THE KEUOnDER - 1695-1920 Toronto Bible College
Presentea by the General Alumni Association
.December. /9.40.
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I ^iw, llltlllllllllMIt
Lowthcr Avenue.
west of
Waiiner Road.
«Kkv. K.i.Muiii. iWMKxa. n. A. Presideiit.
Botlicdcii. Walmer Road. Toronto
•Wm. FKROVSOs,.S«(/vr((r//,
lisi Spaauiii Ave., Toronto.
•JOSKI'II N. SiiKXsiKNK. Treasurer.
lij NValnKM- Koad, Toronto.
Rkv Wm. Stewakt, D.D.. rriMcO^aL
((H! Spadina Avenue. Toronto.
GUXVnAL C'OCyvTL. Rev. O. J. BiSHDf. Toronto Rev. D. McTavish. D.Se.. •J. R. Cavkks, Gait.
Toronto. G. B. Mkadows, Toronto.
Toronto. *J. D. Na'smith, Toronto. .John Northwav. Toronto Rev. H M.Paksuns.D.D..
Thos. S. Coi.E, Toronto. C C<X)K, Brantford. J. W. Fi.AVKi.i-K, Toronto Gko. FdSTKH, Brantford. H. W. Fkost, Toronto. J. J. Gar rsHoUK, Toronto C. S. GzowsKi..Jr..Toronto j^,,,,; i'ksmax, Par K. M. HuBsox, Shanghai, j^ j Rkysolks, Brock- China, villc. George W. Honcriis. 3 ^y Rouertsox. Kinp:- St. Catliiirines. ston.
*Rev. E Hix.i ER. M.D.. »^ Sampson, Toronto. Toronto. ^^^. j3 g,.^.^.^^.„
Kev. ii'REO. K. Ilowirr. p r G.S., Brantford.
Handlton. j^. ^^^. ^^^^^ Toronto. Rev. T. B. HV1.E. Toronto. ^^^, ^ w.„.,^.,ce. R. KiLGOiR, Toronto. Belleville
J. Mackay, Woodstock, nyy th<»s. Warhrofk. Rev.R.P. MacKav, B.A , D.D., Gutlpli.
Toronto. The memhers irlinne nnines are inarkvl thug 'form
the F.rtcutive Council. The names of other friend" in iini>ortant centri-f an- yet to lie added lo the General Coniuil.
Oi'R Djcsion. -The jjreat flcsifjn of tlic School is tlie training of con.stv.rated nun and women for Ciiristian service at liome and abroad.
No Dbbt.— In caiTviiiir on the School, the Officers and Council desire not to in- cur any debt. They look to the Lord foi the necessary means, as He may put ic into the hearts of His people to i^ivj t!."'- freewill pfferintrs.
roNTUinuTiON'S.— Aay friends desirii.f_ to have fellowship in tlie work, may send their contrilnitions to the Treasurer, lt> Walmer Road, Toronto, or to the Secre- tary, (>8l Sjiadina Avenue. Toronta
- — - |
iNsiKicroRs ank Lecturers tOr iwi.l-'.t ;. |
Rev. |
W.M. Stewart. D.I). |
Hev. |
W.M. MaiWim.iam. LL.B. |
Kev. |
Ei,.M<)RE Harris, B A. |
Kev. |
T. C. Des Harres, .\I.A. |
Kev. |
W. .1. Kl!!>.MAX, D.D. |
Kev. |
K. llonl'EK. M.D. |
Kev. |
T. B. Hvi.E. |
Kkv, |
, I). McTavisii. U.S( . |
Kkv. |
W. (;. .\I<K.REIIEA1>. 1).1». |
1' .. |
■' .\1 l'\RS(>X>, l).I). |
M ^m 1.11:. I).l> |
The second session of the School opened with a very encouraging attendance. The enrolment of rei^ular students in the Day Classes up to the end of November has been 37, of whom 1<> are young men. The enrolment in the Evening Classes at t^e same date is 104. Three of the l>ay stu- dents have had to leave on account of ill- healtli, much to their regret and ours: but we hoiie they will soon l)e enabled to resume their .studies witli us. The attend- ance at the Evening Classes has been more regular than last session, and a deep in- terest is taken in the more thorough course of study that is now pursued. We are thankful that so many consecrated young men and women are now receiving instruction in the School and we will gladly welcome others of similar sjiirit. Onr earnest and prayerful desire is that the School may be used of the Lord to equip very many for effective service in • very part of the world .
tul: recorder.
Special Lecturers.
TiiK lirst of the special Lecturers for the present session was the Itev. W. J. Erdiniiii, D.I)., of Philadelpliia. He gave two woeks of valued services both to the Day anil Eveninj; Classes. To the former he lectured on the Epistles to the Gal- atiaus and Colossians, giving an admir- able analysis of both, while the latter were conduct fd throut;h a thorough course of study on "The Glorj- of God." Manj' visitors attended the classes during Dr. Erdman's instructions.
The second of the siiecial Lecturers v^ras the Rev. Dr. Hooper, of Toronto, who gave a course of four studies on " The Tabernacle," illustrating his subject bj' an excellent model. The spiritual truths taught by the different parts and arrange- ments of the sacred jilace were clearly and in»pressively presented.
A third course of lectures on special aspects of Missionary work is now being given on alternate Fridays by Kev. K. P. Mackay, Foreign Mission .Secretary of the ;e'-:an Church. These are able, iveaud pfiiilij'rly valuable to our students, who all have a deep intercsf in Missions, and many of whom are lookinj^ forward to labors in ^e Foreign Field.
The President of tlic School, Rev. Eluiure Harris. l)Huins tin's month a ( ourse of lectures to theTue.'iday evening class on the IZpistle to the Hel>re\vs.
Occasional Lectures. \'ery interesting lectures have been given to the students by Rev. A. S. Lamb, of the North African Mission, on Moham- me<lanisni. and the Work among the Ka- byles: by Mr. Horace Govan, on the Work of the Faith Mission of Scotland in the neglected districts of the old land ; and by Rev. I). Herron, representing the Mi.-sion to the Lepers in India. The ad- dre.H,s«'H of these experienced and devoted Hervants of the Lord have been found to >ie most instructive and stimulating.
The Library. ' ral additional gifts have been pre- 1 to our little librar}', among which are .some eighty books from Mr. .T. D. -\a-smith. A reading table with •(ome excellent perio<licals lias been lately Iw'gun. Donations of suitable books and l»aper» are much needed.
Regular Work of the School.
The following is the schedule of work in the Day Classes for the present term : — Monday, Wednesuay and Friday. 9.0(> to f).5()— New Testament Gi-eek. J»..">0 " 10.00— Opening Exercises. 10.00 " 10.40— Old Testaments
Exegesis I two " — Harmony of I classes. Gospels. j
10.10 " 11.20— New Testament, Outlines
of Books. 11.20 " 12.(M)- Bible Doctrines.
Alternate Fridays — Lectures on Practi- cal Work, and Missionary Addreises.
Tuesday and Thursday. 9.00 to 9.50— English. 9.50 " 10.00— Opening Exercises. 10 00 " 10.40— Evidences of Christianity. 10.40 " 11.20— Preparation for Bible Read- ings—Ladiks. " " — Homiletics— ]\Ien. 11.20 " 12.00— Bible Doctrines. A Devotional hour every Tuesday. These classes are conducted by Dr. Stewart and Mr. MacWilliam. The lec- tures on Practical Work by ^Ir. Fergu- son are a new and much appreciated feature of the course.
Evening Classes. The Tuesday' evening class lias been en- gaged in the study of Bible I)octrines and Outlines of the New Testament Books, wliile the Thursday evening class has been occupied with the Harmony of the Gospels, and Old Testament Outlines.
Public Opening Meeting.
The public opening meeting of the Bible Training School was held in the Northern Congregational Church, of this city, on the evening of October 8th. The president. Rev. Elmore Harris, occujjied the chair, and there was a large atten- dance. Messrs. Hyde, Hooper, Denovan and Stewart took part in the proceedings, and Dr. Erdman delivered a very able ad- dress on Bible study. The meeting was profitable in itself, and helpful in bringing I he work of the School before the Christian public of Toronto.
The subjects selected for the essays of the present term have been:— "The Me.ssiah in the Pentateuch" "The Epistle to the (Jalatians" "The Attributes of (iod"and"The Missionarv .Tonrncvs of Paul."
Students' Public Meeting:.
The followint; is the programme of the first students" public meeting? of tlie ses- sion, to be lu'ld in the lecture room of the Walmer lload Cliurch, on the evening of Fridaj', l.)eceml)er (itli : —
Devotional Exercises.
Tlie Powtr of I'niver J. H. Bruce.
Paul, tlu> MiAsionarv -Vi.i» A. FiaHnr.
„ . ,,, , , .,, „ i Miss K. liichaiilson.
Tli.C'liristiaii's Offering L.S. Sirrell.
Thf 0<>i«lniv« of CicHl Mrs. ./. K. M'utsoii.
Quarti'ttt'. '-Help Mu to f Sfessrs. Dri/c., Iliiirdl,
W Hilly " I Sirrell iiinl U'ih-nx.
The Claim* of Mi.islons J. H'. U'ilmx.
God"s K«H.M>iiitJ Power Miss li. fl. Wood.
Solo, " GikI will Take Care of You. "
Miss E. Richardson.
Quartette, "The Whole I Messrs. Beare, Bryce, Wide World for Je.<u^<."\ Burrell and M't/cox.
All friends of the School are cordially in\ited.
divide the Word of Truth, a f?reat work.
in these clays of doubt and unbelief, would be accomplished.
The exi>enses are considerable for in- structors, si)ecial lecturers and incidentals , and we require for this session, l8'J5-4>, $8000. We have no reserve fund, and have to look to the Lord's stewards to help us to carrj' on the work with their free-will offerings. So far, in donations from friends, we have had Slloi) promised for this session's needs, and we hope you may see your way to help us to make up the balance of $l<iOi), to enable us to carry on this work, which we feel sure is full of the deepest interest to our Saviour and His coming kingdom.
Need of Support.
The following Statement of the work and claims of the School has been prepared by Mr. Ferguson. We trust it will receive the prayerful consideration of our i-eaders : —
The School was started to give, free of any charge, a two yeais' course of pre- paration in Bible training and methods of practical work, to fit those for useful service in Mission work, either at home or abroad, who, having heard God's call to service, were yet unable to respond through lack of needful training.
It is interdenominational, and at pre- sent eight different denominations are represented among the students, who come from all parts of the Dominion. The Foreign Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, recog- nizing the need of such training, have decided to send their latly candidates to our School.
The intelligent interest of these earnest young people, as the truths of God's word are opened up systematically before them, and as they grasp what Bible study truly means, is most touching, and instances might be given of true blessing and in- spiration received. If nothing else was attained than the careful study of the Scriptures by so many, and the sending of them forth to life's duty able rightly to
Summer Mission Work.
During the summer vacation, quite a number of the students were engaged in preaching the (Gospel in different necessi- tous fields. Mr. C W. Higgins laboured in Sprucedale, Ont., and surrounding stations ; Mr. Ed. Valiant i,. Royce Avenue, Toronto ; Messr.^. Burrell and Finch in Eastern Avenue Mission, To- ronto; Mr. L. N. Sirrell in East Temple- ton, Que.; Mr. Jas. Currie in Lticknow, Ont. Mr. W. G. White, Bible Society colporteur, labored among the red men of the Tuscarora Reservation, not a few of whom were brought to the Saviour. On other fields, also, there was special bless- ing ; while all the students had to rejoice in some seals to their ministry.
Correspondence Class.
A class of some ten young men formed in Brantford by the late Mr. T. M. Harris for Bible study, is now receiving outline lessons from the School on Bible doctrines and the preparation of Gospel addresses. Dr. Stewart hopes to visit the class two or three times during the session. The field of thus providentially opened maj' possibly lead to the formation of similar classes' in other important centres.
Rev. Dr. Stifler of Crozer Sheological Seminary. Chester, Pa., is expected to lecture both to the Day and Evening Classes in the early part of February. Dr. Stifler is the author of an able work on the Acts of the Apostles, and one of the best Bible teachers on the continent.
The Student Volunteer Band.
Miss A. Kkaskr. S^oretary of the Band, writes as follows : — We have, in addition to our roynhir work, orjjanized this term a local l)raiu'h of the " Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions." Miss Lyon, of Chicago, visited our School several months nao and spoke to us of this preat movement, nr^inji; the students to form a Hiunl in connection with the School. .\t the bey;innini!: of this term H sttwlents sifjiicd the declaration cards, plediiinc their lives for work in the fore'fjn fields, if Cod permits. Since that time five more names have heen added. We have a Prayer Circle in connection with the Band, and many of the students belonj? to this, as their work for the present .seems to he at hoinp. but they are one in heart with us. Two of our number
Joined the movement while at theChicac;o iible Institute. We purpose during; the fominu months to visit the Voune; Peo- l>ie's Societies of the city and hold meet- inu;s, and in this way to win many more lives for that great work. We held the first of these meetings in the Queen Street Presbyterian Church on the 25th Nov.
•Studknts may enter the School at any time.
The written examinations at the close of this term will be held Dec. 18th, 19th, and2i)th.
Several new students are expected at the opening of the se(;ond term of the session on Monday, .January (>th. 1896.
The following are the donations for the work received by the Treasurer since last acknowledgment : — Previovisly acknowledged, $2,81 7. nO.
No. |
•;o - |
§ .". 00 |
No. 75 - |
$ 25 00 |
No. |
CA . |
2.'> OO |
No. 7f) - |
5 00 |
No. |
<!2 - |
1 IM) |
No. 77 - |
5 00 |
No. |
liH - |
1 fHt |
No. 78 - |
10 00 |
No. |
«U - |
1 iMtiNo. 79 - |
50 00 |
No. |
• ■>."> |
10 00 |
No. 80 - |
5 00 |
No. |
•i<; - |
2 (M) |
No. 81 - |
I 00 |
No. |
»'.7 - |
2.'. 00 |
No. 82 - |
10 00 |
No. |
(W - |
2t) (»ojNo. 83 - |
2.50 00 |
No. |
• 19 - |
.". OO'No. HI - |
10 00 |
No. |
7o - |
15 otJjNo. &5 - |
5 00 |
No. |
71 - |
2.50 i>ONo. 8() - |
25 00 |
No. |
72 - |
20 0») No. 87 - |
5 40 |
No. >'o. |
7'i |
1 nni |
71 - |
25 00 |
Total - |
«3,130 00 |
The great<»r part of the funds received since last acknowledgment was used to pay the deficiency of the first year.
.Joseph N. Siienstone,
Practical Work of the Students.
All the student.s of the day classes con- tinue to give a certain portion of their time every week to practical Christian work. In teaching Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes, in conducting Mission ser- vices, in filling preaching appointments, in hospital visitation, and in other lines of usefulness, the young men find ample em- ployment. The young women also are busy, three of them being Bible women, two nurses of the sick, one a worker among the deaf and dumb, and others in different spheres are usefull3' employed in the Master's service. The weekly reports indicate that God's blessing is resting on all this varied labor.
Additions to the Council.
The following gentlemen, residing in different parts of the province, have kindly consented to act as members of the general council : — Revs. Dr. Wai'drop of (ruelph, F. E. Howitt of Hamilton, and R. P. Mackay of Toronto, with Mr. John Penman of Paris, and Mr. C. Cook of Brantford. These esteemed brethren have a deep interest in the work of the School, and we anticipate much benefit from their counsel and co-opei"aLlon.
For the Foreign Field.
Miss Laura A. Wigle. B. A., a student of last session, has gone to Japan under the auspices of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Canada.
In the last comjianies of missionaries sent out by the China Inland Mission were tenor twelve who have been regvilar or occasional students with us. These friends are constantly remembered by us in our prayers.
There will be a vacation of two weeks at Christmas, the lectures of the present term closing on Fridaj', Dec. 20th.
Dr. Erdman was greatly pleased with the earnest spirit of the students. He said it was a joy to him to lecture to such cla.sses.
In addition to his weekly lecture to the evening class on the Epistle to the Heb- rews, .Mr Harris exjiects to begin in .Janu- ary a regular course of lectures to the Day Classes on the " Hi.story of Chri.stian .Missions.'' Rev. T. B. Hyde's course on the Acts of the Apostles, will also begin in .January, and Dr. Parsons on " Dispen- sational Truths" and Dr. McTavish on the subject, "After the Exile" will follow later in the term.
' «